Holocaust Learning UK offers a menu of five distinctive films: The Holocaust, Kindertransport, Steven’s Story, Assembly Film and Janine’s Story. The films are differentiated by the subjects they encompass, the testimonies they feature, the themes addressed, the approximate ages of the students for whom they are most suitable, and the school context (classroom versus assembly) for which they have been designed.
Please see below for film synopses and associated teachers’ resources.
The Holocaust is a fully comprehensive, age-appropriate overview of the key events of the Holocaust from 1933 to 1945. It features selected testimonies from 10 Holocaust Survivors from Germany, Poland, Holland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary as well as third party accounts from other Survivors of Nazi persecution as relayed by student actors and presenters. Jason Isaacs provides the narration.
The film fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum for Holocaust education and is suitable for students aged 13 plus, as well as forming an excellent basis for History GCSE syllables and A Level History.
The film is 52 minutes long and can be viewed in one sitting or screened in two or three parts.
Part One (19 minutes): [1933 – 1939] the rise of Nazism to the outbreak of WWII.
Part Two (13 minutes): [1939 – 1941] the outbreak of WWII, the Nazi invasion of Poland and much of Europe thereafter, ghettos, concentration camps, slave labour and the establishment of the Einsatzgruppen killing squads.
Part Three (19 minutes): [1941 – 1945] the Final Solution, extermination camps, death marches, the defeat of the Nazis, the end of WWII and the Nuremburg Trials.
Bespoke resources are provided by Holocaust Educational Trust [HET] for post-screening follow up as follows:
Click here to download Teacher Guidance – COMING SOON
Click here to download Lesson Cards for 13+ students – COMING SOON
Click here to download interactive Timeline of key events in the narrative of the Holocaust interspersed with the featured testimonies – COMING SOON
Kindertransport tells the story of three Kindertransportees from Germany and Czechoslovakia and their experiences of coming to the UK without their parents.
Narrated by Jonah Hauer-King and featuring a presenter and student actors, the film is suitable for students throughout secondary education, from age 11 years (early KS 3/ S2) through to 18 and above.
Bespoke resources are provided by Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) for post-screening follow-up as follows:
Click here to download Teacher Guidance
Click here to download Assembly Cards
Click here to download Lesson Cards
For teachers who wish to see further extracts from Ann, Bob and Vera’s testimonies, the following curated short film clips are available to view once teachers have logged in:
Ann talks about living in Germany before the War – 1’ 50” – Click here to view
Bob talks about being moved around – 2’ 7” – Click here to view
Vera talks about religion and homesickness- 1’ 13” – Click here to view
These short film clips are supported by Teachers Notes for Students about how to introduce and reflect upon these insightful and interesting observations as provided by Dr Alasdair Richardson* – Click here to view
Further HET Resources for year 7-8:
Vera’s Journey (A study of the Kindertransport via one young girl’s perspective)
What Makes a Hero? (Nicholas Winton and the Kindertransport)
Further HET Resources for year 9+:
Nazi persecution of Jews in Germany
Britain, Refugees and the Kindertransport
Further HET Resources for sixth form and older students:
British Responses to Nazism and the Holocaust
HET also provides guides to the teaching about the Holocaust through English, Drama and Art.
Introductory teaching or contextualising is not required and the film provides an excellent stand-alone resource for assemblies and across History, Religious Education, RHSE, Citizenship and Philosophy lessons.
Click here for a brief historical background to Kindertransport. And click the names for the biographies of Ann, Bob and Vera.
*Dr Alasdair Richardson, Reader in Education (Holocaust Education), FRHistS, FRSA, SFHEA, Postgraduate Research Student Lead (Faculty of Education & the Arts), University of Winchester.
Steven was born in Holland to a modern Jewish assimilated family. His story is of a child’s life in concentration camps in Holland and Czechoslovakia, and his forced deportation across Europe in a cattle truck.
The film is narrated by Jason Isaacs with student actors participating.
Steven’s Story can be used throughout the curriculum and is particularly suitable for students in KS 4 / Scottish Nationals / students aged 14 and above.
Click here for a brief historical background to Steven’s Story and click here for Steven’s bio.
HET provides an extensive menu of teaching resources across History, RE, PSHE, Citizenship and Philosophy for students in KS 3 / S2 / age 13 years including:
Resources for year 7-8:
Resources for year 9+:
Dilemmas, Choices and Responses
Resources for sixth form and older students:
British Responses to Nazism and the Holocaust
HET also provides guides to the teaching about the Holocaust through English, Drama and Art.
Our Assembly film tells the story of six Holocaust survivors from Poland, Germany, Holland, and Hungary with their powerful and compelling testimonies.
The film is narrated by student actors and is suitable for students throughout secondary education, from age 11 years (early KS 3 / S2) through to age 18 and above.
Introductory teaching or contextualising is not required, and the film provides an excellent stand-alone resource for Holocaust Memorial Day school assemblies.
HET provides an extensive menu of teaching resources across History, RE, PSHE, Citizenship and Philosophy for students in KS 3 / S2 / age 13 years including:
Resources for year 7-8:
Resources for year 9+:
Dilemmas, Choices and Responses
Resources for sixth form and older students:
British Responses to Nazism and the Holocaust
HET guides to the teaching about the Holocaust through English, Drama and Art are also useful.
Janine was born in Poland to a traditional Jewish family. Her story tells of a hidden child’s fight for survival under Nazi occupation.
The film is narrated by Jason Isaacs with student actors participating.
Janine’s Story can be used throughout the curriculum and is particularly suitable for students aged 13 years and above.
Click here for a brief historical background to Janine’s Story and click here for Janine’s bio.
HET provides an extensive menu of teaching resources across History, RE, PSHE, Citizenship and Philosophy for students in KS 3 / S2 / age 13 years including:
Dilemmas, Choices and Responses
Resources for sixth form and older students:
British Responses to Nazism and the Holocaust
HET also provides guides to the teaching about the Holocaust through English, Drama and Art.